02 de Agosto, 2016
Seminario Académico: "Starting off on the right foot: Impact of better elementary school"

Fecha de inicio: 03 de Agosto, 2016, 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término: 03 de Agosto, 2016, 14:00 hrs.

Estimados (as)

El Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Chile tiene el agrado de invitar a usted a un nuevo Seminario Académico:

Título: "Starting off on the right foot: Impact of better elementary school"

Autores: Julio Cáceres Delpiano (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Presentador: Julio Cáceres Delpiano

Abstract: Using public administrative data for Chile, we investigate the impact of enrollment in a better elementary school on series of outcomes. In order to address the non random nature of school selection, we use a discontinuity in the pool of available school that come from multiple cutoffs in minimum age requirements. Preliminary results reveal that enrollment in better school is associated, first, positively to a improvement individual educational performance. Specifically, we observe an increase in a national non-stake exam and a reduction in the likelihood of dropout. Secondly, an increase in the expectation of completing college is observed. Thirdly, the enrollment in a better elementary school is associated to a positive shift on investment measures. Finally, the evidence reveals that better elementary school is also linked to measures of college selection.

El  Seminario  se realizará el miércoles 03 de agosto de 13:00 a 14:00 hrs, en  la Sala P-307 Tercer Piso del edificio Placa de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile, ubicada en Diagonal Paraguay 257.

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