16 de Mayo, 2014
Seminario Académico - Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters

Fecha de inicio: 22 de Mayo, 2014, 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término: 22 de Mayo, 2014, 14:00 hrs.

El Seminario se realizará el jueves 22 de mayo de 13:00 a 14.00 hrs, en la Sala P-307 Tercer Piso del edificio Placa de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios.


El Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Chile tiene el agrado de invitar a usted a un nuevo Seminario Académico:



Título - Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters


Presenta - Peter K. Schott (Yale University)


Abstract - If trade barriers are managed by inefficient institutions, trade liberalization can lead to greater-than-expected gains. We examine Chinese textile and clothing exports before and after the elimination of externally imposed export quotas. We find that the surge in export value and decline in export prices following quota removal is driven by net entry, and show that this dominance is inconsistent with use of a productivity-based allocation of quota licenses by the Chinese government. Our counterfactual implies that elimination of misallocated quotas raised the overall productivity gain of quota removal by 28 percent.



El Seminario se realizará el jueves 22 de mayo de 13:00 a 14.00 hrs, en la Sala P-307 Tercer Piso del edificio Placa de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile, ubicada en Diagonal Paraguay 257.

Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters Descargar Archivo