25 de Mayo, 2016
Trigésima sesión Seminario Interno FEN: New Service Screening Committee Performance: The Roles of Transformational Leadership and Absorptive Capacity

Fecha de inicio: 01 de Junio, 2016, 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término: 01 de Junio, 2016, 14:00 hrs.

Título - New Service Screening Committee Performance: The Roles of Transformational Leadership and Absorptive Capacity Autor - Serdar S. Durmusoglu

Estimados profesores,

Este miércoles 01 de junio se llevará a cabo la trigésima sesión del Seminario Interno de FEN donde se exponen trabajos en progreso de académicos y avances de tesis de estudiantes.

En esta ocasión se presentará "New Service Screening Committee Performance: The Roles of Transformational Leadership and Absorptive Capacity"

El seminario se llevará a cabo a las 13:00 hrs en la sala T1002 de la FEN. Se solicita confirmar asistencia con Juanita Castillo al correo jcastillo@unegocios.cl a más tardar el día martes 31 de mayo a las 13:00 horas, ya que el seminario contempla almuerzo.

Atentos saludos,

Dirección de Investigación FEN


Título - New Service Screening Committee Performance: The Roles of Transformational Leadership and Absorptive Capacity

Autor - 

Serdar S. Durmusoglu

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Product Innovation Management

Editorial Board Member, Industrial Marketing Management

Associate Professor of Marketing

Management and Marketing Department

University of Dayton


Abstract - Screening committees address technological, market, and competitive dynamics by identifying, selecting, and allocating resources to the most promising innovation projects they are presented with. Performance of such committees is negatively affected by clashing views and conflicts of interest between members, the complexity of the task, and the high level of uncertainty regarding the dynamics of the competitive environment, technology, and customer requirements, as well as the uncertain outcomes of the proposed innovation projects. Applying a micro-foundations perspective, we hypothesize positive effects of transformational leadership and committee-level absorptive capacity (ACAP) on screening performance. Using data pertaining to 123 screening decisions, we empirically investigate the relationships. ACAP is conceptualized in two dimensions: the screening committee's capability to value, recognize and assimilate new information (i.e., potential absorptive capacity: PACAP) and the committee’s ability to adapt their decision-making tools and procedures to the situation (i.e., realized absorptive capacity: RACAP). The results show that the effects of transformational leadership on screening performance are fully mediated by ACAP, while the effects of PACAP are fully mediated by RACAP. Based on these findings we make actionable suggestions as to how to further improve the innovation screening processes in firms.