22° Coloquio DCS - Enhancing learning through adaptivity and personalization in ubiquitous environments
Fecha de inicio: 18 de Enero de 2013, 15:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 18 de Enero de 2013, 16:30 hrs.
El DCS y CGIN tiene el agrado de invitarlo al vigésimo segundo coloquio a realizarse este martes 8 de enero del 2013, de 15:00 a 16:30 en el auditorio Pricewaterhouse Coopers (Diagonal Paraguay 257).
Título - Enhancing learning through adaptivity and personalization in ubiquitous environments
Autor y expositor - Dr. Kinshuk (Professor, Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, NSERC/iCORE/Xerox/Markin Industrial Research Chair - School of Computing and Information Systems; más información aquí)
Abstract - The exponential growth in handheld devices and wireless technology in recent years, and increasing availability of high bandwidth network infrastructures, have opened up new accessibility opportunities for education. As a result, ubiquitous educational environments have started to emerge with potential to support life-long learning. These environments break the boundaries of the classroom and enable learning to take place in the contexts where learners are able to relate with the learning scenarios in their own living and work environments,
leading to better learning experience. This talk will focus on various contexts that arise in such environments where seamless immersion of formal and informal activities and interactions has potential to contribute to the learning process. With particular focus on adaptivity for individual learners, the talk will explore the diminishing boundaries of formal and informal learning, and the potential of location-aware context-sensitive approaches that are emerging as successor of Web 2.0 paradigm.