21 de Septiembre de 2020
Seminario DECON: Barbara Petrongolo (University of Oxford)

Fecha de inicio: 22 de Septiembre de 2020, 14:00 hrs.

Fecha de término: 22 de Septiembre de 2020, 15:00 hrs.

Estimados Académicos FEN,

Los invitamos al seminario organizado por el Departamento de Economía, titulado: Economic incentives, home production, and gender identity norms, que se dicatará a través del siguiente link el martes 22 de septiembre a las 14 horas.

Expone: Bárbara Petrongolo, Professor of Economics, University of Oxford. Director Labour Economics Programme, CEPR Research Associate, Center for Economic Performance, London School fo Economics.

Abstract: A natural test of the importance of gender norms requires to observe changes in individual behavior after a change in the market penalty for adopting those norms. In this paper we infer the role of gender identity norms from the reallocation of childcare across parents, following changes in their relative wages. By exploiting variation from a Swedish tax reform, we estimate the elasticity of substitution in parental childcare for the whole population and for demographic groups potentially adhering to differently binding norms. We find that immigrant, married and male breadwinner couples, as well as couples with a male first-born, react more strongly to tax changes that induce a more traditional allocation of spouses’ time, while the respective counterpart couples react more strongly to tax changes that induce a more egalitarian division of labor.

Saludos cordiales,

Dirección de Investigación