Seminario DADMIN: Daina Bellido de Luna (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
Fecha de inicio: 19 de Mayo de 2023, 12:30 hrs.
Fecha de término: 19 de Mayo de 2023, 13:30 hrs.
Estimados Académicos y Académicas FEN,
Les extendemos la invitación al seminario que organiza el Departamento de Administración, en el que se presentará el trabajo titulado "Revitalising through social media: Analysing the rejuvenation of Chilean labour confederation’s fifty years after the military regime” .
Exponen: Daina Bellido de Luna, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; David Díaz, académico FEN y Carolina Martínez, Universidad Católica de Chile
Abstract: As the Chilean labour movement shows signs of revitalisation with growing trade union affiliation rates, sectoral confederations seem to be reclaiming their prominence by driving forward and maintaining key labour-related discussions at the national level. By examining the Twitter accounts of 5 of the largest Chilean confederations from the mining, banking and health sectors, as well as the Twitter account of the largest national-level confederation, the article aims to explore the nature of the content posted by them examining the last 5 years (from 2017 to 2021) as a way to assess their activities and framing of topics in the context of revitalisation. Data scrapped from Twitter (n=14.863) showed these confederations concentrated their online content mostly around driving forward labour issues, campaigning for pensions, gender equality within workplaces, as well as emphasising the importance of social security and democratic processes within the Chilean labour movement. These findings seem to suggest a rejuvenation of their agenda bringing forward an action-oriented strategy which was unprecedented since the military dictatorship, which banned them from public life. These findings contribute to the literature on the trade union movement revitalisation strategies and the use of new technologies, emphasising how sectoral actors can and are using social media to secure renewal.
El formato será presencial y el seminario se desarrollará en la Sala P-303.
Saludos cordiales,
Dirección de Investigación