Seminario DECON: Cristián Sánchez (Banco Central)
Fecha de inicio: 13 de Octubre, 2023, 12:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 13 de Octubre, 2023, 13:00 hrs.
Estimados Académicos y Académicas FEN,
Les extendemos la invitación al seminario que organiza el Departamento de Economía, titulado "Equilibrium Consequences of Vouchers Under Simultaneous Extensive and Intensive Margins Competition".
Expone: Cristián Sánchez, Economista Senior, División de Política Financiera, Banco Central
Abstract: I develop an empirical model to study the consequences of educational vouchers on markets’ equilibria. Unlike most related papers, I model both extensive and intensive margins of action for schools. I apply my model to Chile’s primary education, an industry that heavily subsidizes private schools through the use of vouchers. Results show that a correct understanding of the equilibrium consequences of vouchers necessitates accounting for both extensive (program par- ticipation) and intensive (fees) margins. I also find that the actual voucher program targeted to vulnerable students attracts mostly low-quality schools to serve low-income families. Alternative policy designs are proposed and tested.
El formato será presencial y el seminario se desarrollará en la Sala P-303.
Saludos cordiales,
Dirección de Investigación