Seminario Extraordinario DECON: José Zubizarreta (Harvard Medical School)
Fecha de inicio: 30 de Agosto de 2022, 12:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 30 de Agosto de 2022, 13:00 hrs.
Estimados Académicos y Académicas FEN,
Les extendemos la invitación al seminario que organiza el Departamento de Economía, en el que se presentará el siguiente trabajo: "Bridging Matching, Regression, and Weighting as Mathematical PRograms for Casual Inference".
Expone: José Zubizarreta, Associate professor, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School.
Abstract: A fundamental principle in the design of observational studies is to approximate the randomized experiment that would have been conducted under controlled circumstances. Across the health and social sciences, statistical methods for covariate adjustment are used in pursuit of this principle. Basic methods are matching, regression, and weighting. In this talk, we will examine the connections between these methods through their underlying mathematical programs. We will study their strengths and weaknesses in terms of study design, computational tractability, and statistical efficiency. Overall, we will discuss the role of mathematical optimization for the design and analysis of studies of causal effects.
El formato será presencial y se llevará a cabo en la sala P-301.
Saludos cordiales,
Dirección de Investigación