Cuadragésima octava sesión Seminario Interno FEN
Fecha de inicio: 29 de Septiembre de 2017, 13:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 29 de Septiembre de 2017, 14:00 hrs.
Título: "Savings Incentives" Autor: Abhijit Banerjee (MIT), Claudia Martínez A. (PUC de Chile) y Esteban Puentes (U de Chile)
Cordial saludo,
Este viernes 29 de septiembre de 2017 se llevará a cabo la cuadragésima octava sesión del Seminario Interno de FEN donde se exponen trabajos en progreso de académicos y avances de tesis de estudiantes.
En esta ocasión se presentará:
Título: "Savings Incentives"
Autor: Abhijit Banerjee (MIT), Claudia Martínez A. (PUC de Chile) y Esteban Puentes (U de Chile)
Abstract: Savings promotion is a key aspect of social protection, as it increases the ability of lower income families to guard themselves against adverse economic shock; consequently, policies to improve financial inclusion providing formal savings devices have grown worldwide. Despite the above mentioned, evidence shows that the sole access to saving devices is not necessarily linked to an increase of savings. Individuals may have behavioral problems that limit their savings. For example, limited attention and time inconsistency have proven to be important, with SMS savings reminders and financial instruments with default savings being effective in increasing the amounts of savings. Using a randomized control trial, we evaluate both types of devices in vulnerable populations of Chile. We also test the effectiveness of providing savings rules of thumb, as a mechanism to help individuals make good decisions with limited knowledge. In this version of the study, we report the treatment effects on savings and debts using administrative data. No treatment had a positive effect in savings balance 9 months after the intervention.
El seminario se llevará a cabo a las 13:00 hrs en la sala T504 de la FEN. Se solicita confirmar asistencia con Madeleine Ulloa, al correo a más tardar el día jueves 28 de agosto de 2017 a las 13:00 horas, ya que el seminario contempla almuerzo.