17 de Diciembre, 2014
Seminario Académico - Height Growth Paths and Production Relations in Guatemala and the Philippines

Fecha de inicio: 17 de Diciembre, 2014, 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término: 17 de Diciembre, 2014, 14:00 hrs.

El Seminario se realizará el miércoles 17 de diciembre de 13:00 a 14:00 hrs, en la Sala P-307 de la FEN.

El Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Chile tiene el agrado de invitar a usted a un nuevo Seminario Académico:


Título - Height Growth Paths and Production Relations in Guatemala and the Philippines

Autores - Fan Wang (University of Pennsylvania), Esteban Puentes (Universidad de Chile), Jere R. Behrman (University of Pennsylvania), Flavio Cunha (University of Pennsylvania), John Hoddinott ( International Food Policy research Institute), John A. Maluccio (Middlebury College), Reynaldo Martorell (Emory University)

Presenta - Esteban Puentes (Universidad de Chile)

Abstract - We use high frequency data from the Philippines and Guatemala in the first 2 years of life to study the impact of protein on height. First, we estimate individual specific height profile  functions using various parametric forms from economics and the natural sciences. Based on insampleand out-of-sample fits, we find that biologically-based models for predicting height profiles perform very well in capturing the variance of height at different ages. Second, taking advantage of a protein supplementation experiment in Guatemala and extensive information on food prices, we estimate the impact of protein intake on individual-specific height profile function coefficients. We use this information to estimate structural models with referencedependent preferences for the two countries. We evaluate the impact of various counterfactuals on child height growth, including changing parental reference points and providing households with cash transfers or in-kind protein transfers.


El  Seminario  se realizará el miércoles 17 de diciembre de 13:00 a 14:00 hrs, en  la Sala P-307 Tercer Piso del edificio Placa de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile, ubicada en Diagonal Paraguay 257.

Puentes et al 2014 - Height Growth Paths and Production Relations in Guatemala and the Philippines Descargar Archivo