Seminario Académico: "The Welfare Effects of Tax Progressivity with Frictional Labor Markets"
Fecha de inicio: 22 de Marzo, 2017, 13:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 22 de Marzo, 2017, 14:00 hrs.
El Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Chile le invita a participar en el Seminario Académico:
Título: "The Welfare Effects of Tax Progressivity with Frictional Labor Markets "
Autor: Alessandra Pizzo Universidad de Chile Phd. en Economía de Paris School of Economics
Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Chile
Presenta: Alessandra Pizzo DII Universidad de Chile
Lugar y hora: Miércoles 22 de marzo de 2017, 13:00 hrs. Sala P 301, Edificio Placa (Diagonal Paraguay 257)
A progressive tax schedule, as it is observed in many developed countries, is usually
justified in terms of redistributive purposes; however, when labor markets are frictional,
progressive taxation has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the unemployment
rate. On the other hand, a more progressive tax schedule discourages individual labor
supply and (precautionary) savings, thus potentially reducing capital accumulation and
total production. In this paper, I take into account the different effects of a progressive
tax and transfer schedule on unemployment, individual labor supply and savings. I
consider the progressive tax and transfer schedule in combination with unemployment
benefits, which are an additional way to provide public insurance against income drop
during unemployment spells. Simple steady state comparisons, based on the utilitarian
welfare criterion, point to the desirability of a tax and transfer schedule with a positive
degree of progressivity, without calling for additional unemployment insurance: in
other words, the welfare criterion calls for a progressive tax schedule combined with
a negative income tax at the bottom of the asset distribution. In terms of modelling
strategy, I start from the workhorse model of Krusell et al. (2010), which combines the
Huggett-Aiyagari framework of heterogeneous agents with matching frictions in the
labor market, and I introduce individual labor supply. I also allow for heterogeneity
in productivity, as in Lifschitz et al. (2016), as well as in preferences for leisure: the
model clarifies that behind the overall welfare effects there is a tension among the low
and high productive individuals with respect to the effects of the different policies.
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