Seminario Interno FEN: Juan Pablo Torres Cepeda
Fecha de inicio: 06 de Diciembre, 2019, 13:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 06 de Diciembre, 2019, 14:00 hrs.
Estimados Académicos FEN,
Los invitamos al Seminario Interno FEN que dictará el académico Juan Pablo Torres Cepeda.
Título: Eyes On the Game: Eye-tracking Analysis of the Beer Game
Autores: Juan Pablo Torres Cepeda, Andrés Musalem, René San Martin
Resumen: Behavioral strategy research aims to understanding and improvement of decision-making processes through identifying the conscious and unconscious heuristics employed by decision makers. Researchers in cognitive neuroscience and psychology are also investigating these concepts using experimental designs. This work establishes a bridge between behavioral strategy and psychology to evaluate the use of the eye-tracking analysis to detect learning in repeated ordering decisions. The paper identifies specific research questions from this novel approach and appraises the prospects for substantive collaborations between neuroscientists, psychologists and scholars in strategic management.