Sexagésima Segunda Sesión del Seminario Interno FEN
Fecha de inicio: 25 de Mayo, 2018, 13:00 hrs.
Fecha de término: 25 de Mayo, 2018, 14:00 hrs.
Cordial Saludo,
Este Viernes 25 de Mayo de 2018 se llevará a cabo la Sexagésima Segunda Sesión del Seminario Interno FEN donde se exponen trabajos en progreso de académicos y avances de tesis de estudiantes.
En esta ocasión presentará:
Título: “Productivity Dispersion and Dual Labour Markets: Evidence from 14 Latin American countries”
Autores: Alejandro González
Profesor guía: Esteban Puentes
Presenta: Alejandro González
Abstract: Abstract: During the last 20 years, a rich literature which examines the way firm characteristics such as its productivity affect labor market outcomes - specially, wages - has emerged. The center of the debate has been on how firm characteristics such as value added might "causally" explain wages. However, virtually all of the existing literature assumes that labor markets are perfectly integrated and estimates their models on datasets which only include the manufacturing sector in highly developed countries. This paper attempts to document the reduced form correlation between median labor productivity and wages using a broad sample of 14 Latin American countries which includes services as well as manufacturing sectors, and allows explicitly for the possibility of dual labor markets using a Finite Mixture Model. Our main results indicate that when we assume perfectly integrated labor markets, the reduced-form correlation between wages and productivity is negative, a result inconsistent with both previous empirical research and with rent-sharing and sorting models of the labor market. However, when we estimate wage equations that allow dual labor markets, we find a positive correlation between the probability that a worker belongs to the modern or formal sector and our measure of productivity. Given that the average treatment effect of belonging to the modern sector is 14% for the whole region, our analysis emphasizes that the relationship between productivity dispersion and wage inequality might be much more pronounced in the case of debe loping countries with dual labor markets than in developed countries with integrated labor markets.
El seminario se llevará a cabo a las 13:00 horas en la sala T1605 de la FEN, se solicita confirmar asistencia con Pamela Fuentes (, a más tardar el día Jueves 24 de Mayo de 2018 a las 13 horas, ya que el seminario contempla almuerzo.
Quienes deseen inscribir presentaciones para futuras sesiones, por favor dirigirse a Emilia Brito y a Vivian Norambuena a los correos: y
Saludos cordiales,
Gustavo Zurita
Director de Investigación FEN